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    Five Key Traits of Exceptional Agile Teams in Software Development

    Five Key Traits of Exceptional Agile Teams in Software Development

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    At CodeStringers, we consider ourselves experts in Agile implementation, and we consider that one of our key competitive advantages. Consequently, we’ve written extensively about Agile related topics in our blog section. Lately, however, we’ve been noticing that team dynamics are an often-overlooked variable in the success (or failure) of Agile implementations. The most successful and efficient teams, we’ve noticed, consistently exhibit certain key characteristics that significantly impact productivity. In this article, we delve into five essential elements that constitute a high-performing Agile team, drawing from personal experiences and observations.

    1. Communication

    The Bedrock of Team Dynamics

    Effective communication is the cornerstone of any high-performing Agile team. However, this transcends routine stand-ups or status meetings. It involves creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, challenges, and feedback openly and constructively. In our experience, teams with a culture of transparent communication identify and resolve issues more efficiently, fostering a more adaptive and responsive workflow.

    In one project I managed, we emphasized open discussion of blockers in our daily stand-ups. This practice did not just aid in swift issue resolution but also promoted a sense of collective responsibility. We integrated tools like Slack for continuous communication and JIRA for tracking, both crucial in maintaining alignment and transparency.

    Building a Communication – Conducive Environment

    • Regular Check-Ins: Beyond daily stand-ups, we implemented weekly one-on-ones, allowing team members to discuss concerns in a more private setting.
    • Retrospectives: Regular retrospectives helped us reflect on what worked and what didn’t, continually refining our communication strategies.

    2. Collaboration

    More Than Just Cooperation

    Collaboration in Agile teams involves a deep-seated ethos of working collectively towards common goals. High-performing teams engage proactively with each other’s work, offering assistance and insights. This not only expedites the development process but also enhances output quality.

    In a memorable project, the development and design teams collaborated exceptionally. Designers joined coding sessions to provide immediate feedback, resulting in a well-balanced product in terms of functionality and aesthetics.

    Fostering Team Collaboration

    • Pair Programming: Encouraging developers to work in pairs increased knowledge sharing and reduced the occurrence of overlooked issues.
    • Cross-Team Meetings: Regular meetings between different teams (like development and QA) ensured alignment and shared understanding of objectives.

    3. Self-Organizing & Self-Sufficient

    Autonomy and Versatility

    Agile teams excel when they are self-organizing and self-sufficient, having the autonomy to make decisions and possessing a wide range of skills. Teams that manage their workload, set goals, and devise strategies independently often display increased morale, productivity, and quality of deliverables.

    A team I worked with took full ownership of their sprints. They determined their workload, committed to deadlines, and held themselves accountable. This autonomy led to heightened motivation and consistently high-quality outcomes.

    Strategies for Self-Organization

    • Empowering Decision-Making: Allowing teams to make key decisions on project approaches and technologies used.
    • Skill Development Programs: Implementing continuous learning programs to enhance team versatility and self-sufficiency.

    4. Metrics-Driven

    Guided by Data

    Being metrics-driven is vital in maintaining and enhancing team performance. Agile teams benefit from tracking progress and productivity using various metrics like velocity, burn-down charts, and cycle times. These help in capacity understanding, forecasting, and identifying improvement areas.

    We used burndown charts to track daily progress, providing the team with a clear visual of their pace and enabling them to adjust efforts to meet sprint goals.

    Implementing Effective Metrics

    • Regular Metrics Review: Holding meetings to review and analyze metrics, discussing implications and actions.
    • Customized Metrics: Tailoring metrics to suit the specific needs and dynamics of the team.

    5. Cross-Functional

    Diverse Skill Sets

    A team’s ability to be cross-functional is incredibly beneficial in Agile environments. Teams with diverse skills across different domains handle a variety of tasks and challenges more efficiently, streamlining development and fostering a learning environment.

    In a project requiring both front-end and back-end development, our team’s cross-functional skills allowed for flexible task allocation, leading to an efficient and cohesive workflow.

    Encouraging Cross-Functionality

    • Cross-Training Sessions: Implementing sessions where team members teach each other skills outside their primary expertise.
    • Rotational Roles: Encouraging team members to take on different roles within the team to broaden their skill sets and understanding.


    These five elements – effective communication, collaboration, self-organization and sufficiency, being metrics-driven, and cross-functionality – form the backbone of what I believe makes an Agile team truly high-performing. Implementing these traits requires commitment, adaptability, and a dedication to continuous improvement. The rewards, however, are substantial, leading to teams that are not only productive but also resilient and adaptable to the dynamic demands of software development projects.

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    President & Chief Executive Officer

    About the author...

    Michael Manzo has nearly than 30 years of experience managing all aspects of software development including product management, user experience and interface design, engineering, quality assurance and marketing. Michael has served as President and CEO of CodeStringers since September 2014, having served as the company’s founding Chief Product Officer from July 2012. Prior to CodeStringers, Michael was Chief Marketing, Product and Strategy Officer at Openet, a leading global provider of transactional business and operational support system (B/OSS) software for telecom and cable firms, where he led marketing, product management, strategic planning and growth initiatives for the company. Manzo joined Openet as part of a turn-around team and, during his tenure, Openet grew from $15m in annual revenue to more than $150m, became the worldwide market share leader in the company’s primary product category, and developed a widely recognized reputation as the telecom infrastructure industry thought leader. Previously, Michael was Vice President of Products and Marketing for Traverse Networks, a fixed mobile convergence enterprise solution provider, which was acquired by Avaya. Michael has also held executive positions at Voice Access Technologies, Omnisky (acquired by EarthLink), Telocity (acquired by Hughes DirecTV), and Notify Technology Corporation. Michael has a BA in Journalism from the University of New Hampshire. In his spare time, Michael is an amateur woodworker, building indoor and outdoor furniture for friends and family. Until injuries sidelined him, Michael was an accomplished triathlete, having completed six Ironman distance races and numerous shorter distance races. Michael also served nine years in the U.S. Army Reserves and National Guard being honorably discharged as a Sergeant.

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