Agile Software Development Resource Center
Scrum.org, the Scrum Alliance, Mountain Goat Software,… they make it sound easy. However, “tuning” the Scrum method to deliver great software takes years of experience and lots of mistake along the way.
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Agile Software Development Resources
About the Author

Michael Manzo
President & CEOI’ve been working in software development for 25 years and have either worked in or managed most job functions for various software development firms. I began my career as a Product Manager. My passion is understanding users and their needs, and innovating to address those needs.
Until 2012, I worked for a variety of venture-funded telecom software firms, ranging from telecom vendors to B2B and B2C companies.
My first introduction to agile software development and the Scrum methodology was my role just prior to CodeStringers. So all-told I have 15 years of experience in agile software development.
But reality is that my real experience – in which I learned the lessons one only learns by “doing” has come since joining CodeStringers in 2012. Since then and primarily because CodeStringers provides custom software development services (in addition to building our own products), I’ve had the opportunity to oversee the definition, development and maintenance of dozens of software products for clients ranging from startups to large enterprises.
That experience has afforded me quite a bit of development methodology wisdom. Earlier on in this experience, I created an “agile primer” presentation that I shared with clients to help their teams better understand and apply the agile method. And on this page, I’ll share what I’ve learned.